Category: newsletters
May 2015 Newsletter
Here is my May 2015 newsletter. I went back to using Smore for this edition so I could share links with the parents. What do you think? Do you have a latest edition of a newsletter you would like to share? Post the link under comments.
November School Counselor Newsletter
This is my November Newsletter that will be going home. I am sending both a paper version and an online version along with a survey form for parents to vote for their preferred method of communication. Here are both versions. Let me know what you think.Paper: Online: How do you
Field Trip To Middle School~ A Very Cool Transition Program
I am starting to plan for our 4th to 5th grade transition. I love this and our 5th graders have a ball showing the 4th graders around the building, and telling them all about middle school. Talk about helping kids find a voice. . .this does it for the 5th
Parent Newsletter
Here is my latest parent newsletter. . .done using smore. I send out a newsletter with every report card. For us, that is 4 times a year. I have traditionally used Microsoft Publisher, but have fallen in love with the ease of online. I also like that I can have
National School Counseling Week Linky Party and Friday’s Message
View Danielle’s original blog post and connect to the party here. Thanks Danielle Schultz of School Counselor Blog for putting together this Link Party. National School Counseling Week is a great way to really showcase what you do as a counselor. While this is a time for our colleagues and
My 1st Newsletter To Faculty!
I put together newsletters for each marking period to send home to parents, but I have yet to send anything to my colleagues that I work with. I am not sure why this is the case. Granted I meet with each team once a week, but usually we are so
Schedules Are Printed, So Now What?
Yeah! We hit the print button today and 360 schedules rolled across the printer. I have worked 18 days this summer so far and I still have 2 to go. Most years I am still working on the final touches of the master schedule. Tweeking study halls, making sure all
Winding Down The School Year
School’s over for summer, but there is still plenty to do. Although I get a vacation, I still work 20+ days during the summer months. Most of the time is sent working on next year’s schedule, but there are days to close up this school year. Yesterday I spent my
Keep Calm and Test On
Most School Counselors act as Testing Coordinators. I have been a coordinator for the ACTs, PSAT, PLAN, APs, and now NYS grade 5-8 ELA and Math Assessments. I hate testing but it is a necessary evil. How can you be a great testing coordinator? It’s easy; plan ahead, expect last
Getting The Word Out. . .Newsletters
Today is report card day, which also means that it’s newsletter day. I like to let parents know what has been happening in my little corner of the world, and about my work with their children. I also try to include information about parenting, homework, or issues we are seeing in