Keep Calm and Test On

Most School Counselors act as Testing Coordinators.  I have been a coordinator for the ACTs, PSAT, PLAN, APs, and now NYS grade 5-8 ELA and Math Assessments.  I hate testing but it is a necessary evil. 

How can you be a great testing coordinator?  It’s easy; plan ahead, expect last minute changes, and keep organized. 

To get ready for this year’s testing, I am putting together folders for each room used for testing.  Each folder contains the following information:

  • Student Roster
  • Proctor’s Responsibility Checklist
  • Answer Sheets
  • Testing In Progress Door Sign
  • Student Accommodations
  • Pencils
  • Direction Booklet
  • Materials To Return Checklist
  • Tape
  • Tissues

Really, the 5-8 Assessments are much easier to coordinate compared to AP exams.  There are fewer items to get ready.(If you would like to know more about being an ACT Coordinator and a testing site, or an AP Coordinator, send me an email and I will tell you all about it.) 

In addition to getting testing rooms ready, I also am sending a special edition newsletter to parents with some good information and reminders–change doctor appointments so they don’t conflict with testing dates, get to bed early, eat a good breakfast, give words of encouragement, call the school if there is an absence on testing day, etc.  You can see a copy of my newsletter below.  If you would like a PDF version, leave a comment below.

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