Getting The Word Out. . .Newsletters

Today is report card day, which also means that it’s newsletter day.  I like to let parents know what has been happening in my little corner of the world, and about my work with their children.  I also try to include information about parenting, homework, or issues we are seeing in school.  For example, I have been hearing a lot about students texting other students messages that aren’t so nice, so I made sure to include an article about cyberbullying.  If you are planning a newsletter for your school, don’t be afraid to “CASE” (copy and steal everything) from other counseling programs, counseling blogs, internet articles, or even Pinterest.  Also be sure to include your name and contact information in case parents want to contact you.

Here is my latest newsletter.  If you would like a copy to use as a template, please feel free to email me  or add a comment and I will send you one. 

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