Category: School Climate

How Post-It Notes Can Change School Climate

First, let me forewarn you. I have an addiction to post-it notes. Honestly, I should take stock in the company. I can’t imagine a workday without them. They contain my daily list of things to do, people to see, parents to call, etc. Sticky notes line my desk as reminders

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Easing Test Anxiety and Stress as a School Counselor

Help!  Our kids are stressing about the test! Have you heard this plea from the teachers in your building?  I know I have!  Because I don’t have my own classroom, it’s also hard to sometimes address this on a full-scale need.  There are some kids that always seem to be

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Mindfulness in School Counseling

Mindfulness can help students increase their academic performance, develop social skills, and provide them with coping mechanisms to handle they stressors. Mindfulness can also help students become more confident because as they learn to control their emotions and learn to self-regulate, they feel better about navigating life’s difficult situation.  I

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You’ve Been BOOed

Yes, I have jumped on the BOOed Bandwagon.  If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you will know that I really try to create a warm and caring environment–both for my students and our staff.I was at Target yesterday and found these cute You’ve Been Booed candy bars.

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How Post It Notes Can Change School Climate

First, let me forewarn you.  I have an addiction to post-it notes.  I should take stock in the company.  I can’t imagine a work day without them.  They contain my daily list of things to do, people to see, parents to call.  They line my desk as reminders of what’s

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