I put together newsletters for each marking period to send home to parents, but I have yet to send anything to my colleagues that I work with. I am not sure why this is the case. Granted I meet with each team once a week, but usually we are so busy talking about students that I never really get to share with them some of the things that are going on. When I was in the high school, I would send out newsletters at least twice a year with things that were happening down in the guidance and counseling office, so I am proud to say that I sent my first MS newsletter to faculty today. And. . .I sent it electronically using smore!
Here is my newsletter:
Smore is very easy to use. However if you want a “how to” on making your own, Erin Mason put together this video in SCOPE One-Tool-At-A-Time webinar series.
Want to see my other smores? Click here You can get some other examples of how to use them. What is nice is that you can add video, Haiku Deck links, sign up forms, etc. This is technology LOVE!!!
I would love to know how you share information with your colleagues. Let me know by leaving a comment or joining in one of the ways that follow: