Do you have students struggling with kindness or working together with their peers?
Earlier this year, I had a teacher ask if here was something I could do with a group of her students who used to be friends, but were now constantly fighting with each other. The stopped being kind to one another and they were refusing to work together. After a little thought, the Top Secret Kindness Club was born. This club provides a spy-themed opportunity for students to focus on building better leadership skills, improving teamwork skills, refining social skills, and fostering random acts of kindness in the school community.
I decided to run this group for 10 weeks instead of my usual 8, as I really wanted a little more time to cultivate the teambuilding between the students. Each week my students completed a “mission” that consisted of a team-building challenge to decode the random kindness activity that the students completed for the week. Over the 10 weeks we made bookmarks for the library, posters to hang around the school, notes we gave to every student during lunch, and letters to peers and teachers just to name a few. Since I have a $0 budget, it was important to complete activities using things we had around the school. . .paper, pencils, markers. . .nothing special, although I have to say, the results were pretty special.
I’m now running my second Top Secret Kindness Club this year. Not only do the kids love it, but we have seen positive results with how the kids who weren’t getting along are now friends and thriving in their classrooms. I have run a lot of groups over the years, but this one might just be my favorite. I love seeing how excited the kids get to get their missions and solve the challenges.

You may already have children in mind to create this club, but for your convenience, I have also included a referral form to pass out to teachers who may have students that they know would benefit from a group curriculum such as this.
Unlike my other group curriculum where each session focuses on a different learning objective, every single session of this group curriculum targets team building, leadership, problem-solving, and kindness.

What is Included?
This curriculum has everything you could possibly need!
✅ Scripted Lesson Plans
✅ Data Collection Sheets
✅ Alignment with ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors
✅ Parent Letters and Forms
✅ Counseling Passes
✅ Teacher Referral and Follow Up Forms
✅ Reminder Passes
✅ Pre and Post Test
✅ Group Evaluation Form
✅ Data Collection. Forms
✅ Worksheets
✅ Social Stories
✅ Certificate of Completion
✅ Discussion Questions
Who is it For?
This group curriculum is intended for use with children in grades 3-7
Where Can I Purchase?
Interested in creating a Top Secret Kindness Club of your own?
Need additional elementary small group curriculum? Check these out:
- Divorce Or Separation Group Counseling Program
- Elementary Impulse Control Group | Self Regulation | Self Control
- Elementary New Student Group
- Girls Self Esteem Small Group Bundle | Girls Group
- Stress and Worry Small Group | Anxiety Activities
- Mindful Island | Mindfulness Group
- Wonderfully Me | Girls Self Esteem Small Group | Girls Group