A new year is quickly approaching! With all of the fun and excitement comes drama and bullying. You know the: he did this, she said that they wouldn’t sit with me at lunch. Although some of these things are almost tattling, there are scenarios where kids are truly being bullied.
Bullying situations are tough to navigate, even as an adult. When I made this game my intention was to help kids brainstorm together on how to deal with a bully. I tried to mix a game that my kids love and make it educational and empowering… So here is Bully Free Bingo!
We will be playing it at lunch bunch. As each situation is called, the kids share their experiences about a time they were in the specific situation, and then we brainstorm ways to deal with it in the future. Winning a piece of candy at the end is fun too!
Bully Proof BINGO lets students learn about being an Upstander and making their school and community bully-proof with this fun BINGO game.
Game includes:
- 29 game boards
- 35 bullying situations calling cards
- directions.
- a separate listing of all the bullying situations to further facilitate discussion with your students.
- ASCA standards that are met while utilizing the game in your lesson.
For best results print the game on card stock and laminate for durability and wear.
You can download Bully Proof BINGO on my TpT Store.
How do you deal with bully situations? Let me know in the comments!