Student Academic Success Skills

Friday was Progress Report Day.  That meant it was the end of the 5 week reporting period.  I ran my deficiency lists and know which students are failing a class.  In my aim to address student progress this year, I now have my list of students to target and work with.  

One of the first things I will do with these students is go over SMART goals. 

Here is a poster I will display in my room and our Plan Writing Worksheet.

 I’ll also have each student complete a self-assessment of their study skills and behaviors.  I will use this as a basis for what they view as their strengths and weaknesses.  Over the next several weeks I’ll check their grades and homework completion and meet with them weekly.  It really makes a difference to meet with the students.  Last year we started with 35 course failures for grade 8 and by the end of 40 weeks had brought that number down to 14 course failures.  If you have a program, don’t forget to collect your data.  This is one easy way to check on the effectiveness of your program.

What types of Student Success Programs do you offer?  Leave me a comment and let me know, or join in the conversation through one of the groups below:

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