Starting A Counseling Book Group

I have wanted to run a book group for a while, but was not sure how to run one.  Today, I took the plunge.  Starting next Tuesday, I will hold my very first meeting.

We will be using the book, Diary Of Invisible Me by Rebecca McEwen.  I have 8 copies and thought I would have the students take turns and read it.  I will have 6 girls join me from their study hall.  I believe it will take 2-3 weeks to complete it.  The book is short; only 32 pages, but the message about bullying is a good one.  

I made the invitations above and will hand them out during lunch tomorrow.  In addition to talking about bullying, I am hoping that this group allows some of my quietest and shyest girls to feel comfortable in a group to share and read aloud.  One of my biggest goals is to get them talking.  

I think the main goal of starting a book club is to have a purpose.  Other things to think about are:

  • when will you meet
  • what book will you read
  • reading level of students
  • how long will it take
  • will some reading take place outside of meetings
  • how to catch a student up to speed if they are absent from group
Also be sure to pre-read the book.  You don’t want to be caught off-guard if there are curse words or mature content that you weren’t expecting.

I’ll let you know how it goes.

In the meantime, let me know if you have done a book group and what books you have read.  

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