Shout Out Binder–Building a Positive Staff Culture

One thing that has been really important to me since starting my new job, is to help create a culture of caring with staff members.  Don’t get me wrong, the faculty and staff at my new job are really amazing and they love the kids.  What I’ve found, though is that our building is so big, that people have a hard time interacting with staff working with different grade levels.  I’m trying different things this year, to change that, and I really wanted to focus in on the amazing things I’m seeing people do each day.

I’m hoping this Staff Shout Out Binder helps.  The goal is for it to get passed around from teacher to teacher so that the words of colleagues can share the good news for everyone reading that follows.

I started our binder with a teacher who has really made me feel welcomed.  She admitted the day after receiving it that when she got it she was having a really rough day and reading my comments really turned her day around.  If you would like a copy of the cover page and inside directions, please sign up for my email list below, and you will get access to our Free Resource Library.  To be honest, there are only a few things in there right now, but I hope to build it up in 2019.

If you have other ways of rallying staff, please let me know.  I’d love to hear your ideas.


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