National School Counseling Week 2015–Tuesday’s message

Happy National School Counseling Week! 

We had our first snow day of the year yesterday, so I didn’t start to celebrate National School Counseling Week until today.  Above you will find my Tuesday message that I put in teachers’ mailboxes.

I also had an intern (Sarah) start last week, and she helped to design this great bulletin board.  In case you can’t tell, we’re going with a Lego theme. . .

On Friday, we will have students write an act of kindness on a Lego and then I will hang them up around this board in the cafeteria. 

In addition, I am participating in the ASCA #NSCW15 challenges.  If you want to participate here are the challenges:

Because I wasn’t here yesterday, I also completed Monday’s challenge today as well.

Make sure to visit tomorrow for my Wednesday message and a contest I have planned for the students.

What are you doing for NCSW15?  

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