Most students I see, whether it’s for a social skills group, drama problems, academic troubles, family groups, or friendship issues, all seem to have one thing in common. Their self-confidence has taken a hit somewhere along the line. If we can help them to feel better about themselves, then we can help them to improve their grades, relationships, communication, and reach goals.
I put together a FREE handout to give to students and parents about simple things kids (or adults too) can do to raise their self-esteem.
20 Ways To Increase Self Esteem is a great handout for students, parents, or staff members for ways an individual can increase their self-esteem and confidence. If individuals can increase their self-confidence and self-esteem, then they are more likely to obtain their goals, have better relationships, and increase academic performance.
Positive self-esteem for students is extremely important as it allows them to try new things, take healthy risks, and solve problems. When you can increase self-esteem your students’ learning and development will also be productive, setting them up for a healthy future.
This bundle contains:
✔ 96 Discussion Cards 6 different topics expand the different ways these cards can be used.
✔ Ideas For Use – includes several different lesson plans or counseling session ideas
✔ Bonus worksheets – includes scoot game, art therapy worksheets, and quiz, quiz, trade game