Ready, Set, Test!

Today was Day 1 of 3 for our ELA State tests.  We organized our boxes, sorted out answer sheets, testing materials, signs, and pencils, had ready proctor sign in sheets, decorated bathrooms with some inspirational messages, and had some surprise treats for staff during their breaks.  Last week, I sent a special edition testing newsletter home to parents to let them know about test prep hints and testing reminders.

What I did not get to do was chalk up our sidewalks. . .but it rained last night, so we will have to wait until next week’s math testing.  Here is a link to another post that shows how we decorate the entrance to school.

Here are some pictures of this year.


Make a sign and using a ton of post it notes, wrote an inspirational message on each one.  The kids are funny, they have been taking them down and wearing them on their shirts.  I guess they are “taking what they need.”  I did this in the faculty bathrooms too, ahead of time.  People just keep asking, “was that you?”  Uh-huh!


Each box contained instructions, sharpened pencils, Start and stop times sign, Testing signs, a proctor to do list, and tissues in addition to test answer sheets and booklets.


To the teachers for their hard work getting students ready this year. This is the sign I made and the next picture is of the snacks.  

Let me know how you get ready and if you do anything fun. Join a group below:

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