I was thinking of having students use technology more this coming school year. I have 3 laptops in my office along with my ipad. I know that’s not a lot of computers, but it’s more than I had last year. The idea of having them create an app was appealing as I thought about some of the lessons we do on kindness or on study skills and career research.
I decided to take this idea for a test drive and start with an app for this blog. I tried using the app creator, apps bar.com, but could not get past the first page. I looked online for other app creators and Yapp looked pretty easy.
It is primarily used for events, but you can tweak the pages as you would like.
Here are a few screen shots so you have an idea what it looks like.
1. Choose a cover from their selections. After you make your choice, you can alter the photo, title, and color.
2. Design your app. It will come with a set of prearranged pages, but they can be moved around added, deleted, and renamed.
3. Add your twitter account so you can have users get instant updates and news feed.
4. Hit publish. You will get a URL that you can copy and paste into a gadget on your blog, email to friends, post on Facebook, or tweet.
The app will install in another app called Yapp Box, once there it will look like this.
When you open the app it looks like this.
All in all, it took me more time to write this blog post than it did to make the app.
Right now I’m using this app to let readers know about updates to my blog, but can you picture other ways to use this in the school setting? How would you use it with kids?
If you have any ideas, leave a comment below or join in the conversation by one of the ways below.