Welcome to my first blog post. I hope you will find it enjoyable, and full of tips and ideas to help inspire your own counseling program.
Today is Thursday, which means that today is Lunch Bunch. During our 4 lunch periods, I will see many students. Luckily my room is large, because at times, I could have up to 18 students eating with me. During our time together, we talk about a variety of issues, but mostly about Kindness.
Lunch Bunch is announced in the morning and signs posted in the lunchroom to remind students that Lunch Bunch will be meeting. All students are welcome to attend, and no one is ever turned away. 5th Grade LBers, however, had to be divided into 2 groups: boys and girls, because over 40 students wanted to be involved and even with moving into a neighboring classroom, we didn’t have enough room. Now we meet on two different days.