Follow Up to The Bully, The Bullied, and The Not So Innocent Bystander

In a recent post, I had a link to a webinar about the Bully, The Bullied, and The Not So Innocent Bystander.  I thought it would be a great webinar to help with professional development and allow fellow counselors and other readers of this blog the opportunity to have a post discussion about the webinar workshop.

Unfortunately, the day of the webinar, my plans were altered, and I spent my time working with students instead.

If you missed the webinar, like me, you can view it here. 

You can join in the discussion on:


Questions will be posted and you can leave a comment to join in the discussion there.
If you are on Twitter, you can follow along by leaving a comment with the hashtag #tmscopd — the middle school counselor online professional development–

After viewing the webinar, I’m interested in hearing about everyone’s reaction to the webinar.  How will you take what you learned about bullying and use it in your program?  What “steps” will you take with students to break the cycle?  What other information would be helpful to learn moving forward?

I’m looking forward to a great discussion.  I hope you can join in!

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