If you read this post, I talked about how to decorate your school office on a dime. Now that your room is put together, you need to fill it with resources that you can use. Here is a list of 10 no-cost to low cost ideas for getting great resources for your school counseling space.
1. Look at ASCA Scene–this is from the American School Counselor Association and has many great resources that fellow counselors have uploaded to the site to share.
2. Blogs–I blog hop and have subscribed to a large number of blogs. I enjoy reading and seeing what other counselors around the country are doing and the projects they are working on.
3. Livebinders— As the name suggests, it is an online binder of materials.
4. Mean Stinks–brought to you by Secret Deordorant, Mean Stinks is a program to reduce bullying. Email them at endthemean@gmail.com to request your free educator kit.
5. Pinterest. I have mentioned this site in at least a dozen posts. I have found that you don’t need to order a dozen activity books to look for great lesson plans, you can look at pictures of the completed projects and copy the ones you are interested in. I have many boards devoted to different ideas, from crafts, group activities, mix it up day ideas, icebreakers, kindness, special needs students, working with teachers, etc.
6. Gear Up Programs. Many States have a Gear Up Program that will help with the preparation for college. Most have lessons and materials that are appropriate for grades 7-12. Here are a few links
- Own Your Own Future (Texas)
- Gear Up (Washington)
- Gear Me Up (Maine)
7. Teachers Pay Teachers— Exactly as the name implies, this are resources written by teachers (and school counselor) for other teachers (and school counselors). Forget the fancy and expensive workbooks and therapy materials, this site has many free and low-cost materials. What’s nice is you can also pick and choose which lessons you want so unlike a workbook where there may be one lesson you want and 9 others you don’t, you can buy just what you need!
8. Intervention Central— This is the place for anything related to RtI. The website is from Jim Wright, a leader and specialist in the RtI field. You can custom design your own forms (this is how I made my Check In and Check Out Sheet that so many readers have emailed me about)
9. Teaching Tolerance– Get a free magazine, classroom resources, Mix It Up Day ideas, DVDs, etc. I use this site a lot. I love the magazine, have the “Bullied” Movie about Jamie Nabozy (who also came to our school and showed this movie and talked with our 7th and 8th graders–truly awesome!), and have used plenty of their classroom resources.
10. The Trevor Project— LGBTQ Resources and information about suicide prevention. The kit is free, but donations are accepted.
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